Aslı Dinç

The Blessing of the Architeuthis Dux

2022 -
AI Collaborative Performance

The blessing of the architeuthis dux is a research-based ongoing project, with preset stages. It investigates the juxtaposition between social visibility, ancient cultural ornament, the hiddenness of the body and hacking by producing a new one. The project aims to create a new interdimensional tribe while building an alien bond between times and civilizations. Will the ancient tribes defeat the multiple-eyed createch*?

Will surveillance lead to religious and cultural transitions in society?
Will the need for concealment create a new deepfake society?

The project embarks on a timeless journey between the methods of concealing identity, camouflages, ancient indigenous traditions, religious head and face covering, as the surveillance systems are fully infiltrated. It scans the techniques used by indigenous tribes to camouflage and hide from the eyes of nature, masks and drapes used to hide from the human eye in Islamic culture, and techniques that are used to mislead algorithms that are hidden from the dominant eyes in the 21st-century surveillance society. The motifs and practice collected in the scan will be tested in the face recognition model developed by ARDITECH high-tech software company.

Research and testing processes will be documented. New camouflages, i.e. new faces, will be produced based on the distinctive features of the motifs that are passed the test. Thus, time, space, primitiveness, technology and cultural forms are intertwined.
The new faces produced are members of an interdimensional tribe. The project is completed by a futuristic ritual of this tribe, which is nowhere and time, blessed by architeuthis dux who has the biggest eyes among living creatures.

* Technological creature.

eye of
the giant
Selected Clients

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In Ruins
Toss & Fire
Tallest Man on Earth
Kasai Ramen
Public Records
Day End Records
Dreamville Records
Enjoy Basketball
M3 Entertainment
Superior Merchandise Co.
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